Referring to the US/UK/israel collusion against Russia in Ukraine (that is, the collusion of the elites of those countries against Russia), followed by sanctions and Russia’s response to these sanctions, Rev Richard Skaff (in ‘President Vladimir Putin Asserts Russia’s Role in the World’, Global Research, August 10, 2014) made the question:
‘Are there covert negotiations among the parties in regards to dividing nations of the world?’
I have emphasized this question because I think that, well, it is possible (although not likely)… Two World Wars were fought last century with the purpose of dividing the world among the parties into exclusive areas of influence. If there is such an intention, now, independent Russia definitely is not a partner. The objective is to subject Russia to exploit its resources and to stop any opposition to plundering weaker countries around the world. In this case, the Russian response, imposing sanctions against the West, may have been a master’s move – a checkmate –; after all, the imperialist financial system is collapsing and the BRICS, Iran and many other countries, slowly forming an economic, social and military alliance, are not going to accept anymore a subservient position. The unipolar world is indeed vanishing away.
‘Are there covert negotiations among the parties in regards to dividing nations of the world?’
I have emphasized this question because I think that, well, it is possible (although not likely)… Two World Wars were fought last century with the purpose of dividing the world among the parties into exclusive areas of influence. If there is such an intention, now, independent Russia definitely is not a partner. The objective is to subject Russia to exploit its resources and to stop any opposition to plundering weaker countries around the world. In this case, the Russian response, imposing sanctions against the West, may have been a master’s move – a checkmate –; after all, the imperialist financial system is collapsing and the BRICS, Iran and many other countries, slowly forming an economic, social and military alliance, are not going to accept anymore a subservient position. The unipolar world is indeed vanishing away.
As to the EU elites, although deeply involved in the imperialist aggression against Russia and expecting a slice of the cake, they may end up recognising the danger of their intermediary role in a world dominated by such a strong alliance as the US/UK/israel alliance. That is, the mindful portion of these elites, although small, may want to pull out in favour of a more promising future at the side of the BRICS and may succeed in convincing the other players. We will see…
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